Lisa Jakub: Keynote Speaker | Author | Mental Wellness Expert

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Yes, it's weird, but I actually love it: public speaking

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Even though it makes very little sense for someone who is 93% introverted with an unreasonably strong attachment to sweatpants - I actually love doing public events.

I adore meeting you all and discussing really important things:

How we decide to define success for ourselves. How we deal with anxiety/depression/panic attacks and ditch the stigma. How we rewrite the script for our lives and find some joy even in the midst of chaos. Why I feel the need to wear Chuck Taylors to even the fanciest of events.

I still get nervous every time, but what helps is the realization that I'm not up there just blabbering on about myself. I'm talking about ALL OF US. The things we all go through and the ways we can realize that we are not alone.

I've done talks for high schools, colleges, companies, and conferences and I'm currently booking speaking engagements for 2017. For more information about having me come visit, please check the speaking events section. You can see clips from my previous talks, read testimonials, download my speaking kit and submit a request.

Looking forward to meeting you!

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